
Feb 4, 1958 (Age: 67)
Harold Jr.
Marital Status
not married
Spiritual Status
When saved
was called at age 8 by the Lord
Country Flag/Nationality
Country (Location)
United States
Alaska [USA]
Somewhere in North Americ
Favorite Bible Verse
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." (James 1:17)
I'm sorry for the way I have mistreated my family and community. I was not fully aware of how serious my inner anger and danger of words and am responsible for my actions of prolonged depression. The Bible equates angry words and trespasses of privacy to murder and rape, though I have not knowing or willingly committed felony murder or rape. I have committed Biblical trespasses spiritually and emotionally and trespassed unknowingly the sacred social boundaries of others, which is equated to criminal felonies in the Bible.

Separation of Church and state are vital. Trespassing for eminent domain emergencies and crime scenes is not always a valid defense, and best left to those authorized, and does not justify violence of verbal aggression, for which I am sorry. Judgement day is everyday and Knowing Jesus must be applied to our lives every day, in humility. The Lord is coming to rescue the righteous and the Bible says, "all who call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved." Justice and Mercy are found at the Cross and applied to daily life. The man next to Jesus on the cross turned to the Lord in his final hour and was saved, "Remember me Lord, in your Kingdom.".

The Authority of Jesus Name is a divine perogative and should never be used to hurt anyone but to help others by qualified Christians in good standing under properly authorized Church authority and guidance. Christians who are active members of a Church community fellowship are less likely to misuse God's power and authority.

I am sorry for acting individually without guidance and Christian community, and for hurting others through reckless behavior, but am grateful for how God has worked through my life inspite of my weaknesses to carry out His divine will. Divine will is not always man's will.

Christians will be judged by how we have served God and others and not our own interests.

Deliverance ministry can be dangerous, and requires teamwork and humility. Exorcism is a gift not defined by denomination, but the Catholic Church has much experience. Humility is necessary for exorcism.

Miraculous grace and Apostolic authority are a divine perogative and Apostolic acts such as raising the dead are only done occasionally in the Bible for special reasons by qualified Christians. The mission of the Church is to lead people to Christ who saves us from spiritual death.



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