Reactions received by gb9

  • 1christian1
    look up the smith-mundt act, passed into law here in America in 1948, " modernized " by the Obama administration in 2013.
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Useful to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    you have already failed the test as to wheither or not God refused to allow Israel into the promised land, or if they refused to go...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Useful to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    is Hebrews 10 46 the king of the Bible? is ist? this is why your theology is pure junk. you just pluck out individual verses and throw...
  • reacted Useful to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    is Hebrews 10 46 the king of the Bible? is ist? this is why your theology is pure junk. you just pluck out individual verses and throw...
  • reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    but , you do make verses stand on their own when you ignore context, word definitions, and chronological order, which you do. one of...
  • reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    so, in other words, you do not want to talk about Romans 1. yep, hiding is a good way to describe what you do. only point out verses...
  • Hazelelponi
    Hazelelponi reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    missing the point. read Scripture as a whole, breaking it down verse by verse and building theology around isolated verses is invalid ...
  • Hazelelponi
    Hazelelponi reacted Useful to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    I am not dodging anything. I take the Bible as a whole, I refuse to build individual theology around isolated pieces of Scripture. it's...
  • N
    Noose reacted Happy to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    oh , I wll later. count on it. proving folks like you wrong is so easy and fun. review that.
  • reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    missing the point. read Scripture as a whole, breaking it down verse by verse and building theology around isolated verses is invalid ...
  • reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    I am not dodging anything. I take the Bible as a whole, I refuse to build individual theology around isolated pieces of Scripture. it's...
  • reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    oh , I wll later. count on it. proving folks like you wrong is so easy and fun. review that.
  • G
    Grandpa reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    so, in other words, you do not want to talk about Romans 1. yep, hiding is a good way to describe what you do. only point out verses...
  • reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    here is your Romans 6 answer. in the 5th chapter of the same letter, Paul explains how we are saved and made righteous by what Christ...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    missing the point. read Scripture as a whole, breaking it down verse by verse and building theology around isolated verses is invalid ...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Useful to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    I am not dodging anything. I take the Bible as a whole, I refuse to build individual theology around isolated pieces of Scripture. it's...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Informative to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    for those of you are not used to interacting with this person, she thinks the Law of Moses is divided into parts, with some in effect...
  • N
    Noose reacted Funny to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    you know, this is the thing- they make their theology on assumptions and opinions. when we give them facts , they do not care, because...
  • G
    Grandpa reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    you know, this is the thing- they make their theology on assumptions and opinions. when we give them facts , they do not care, because...
  • reacted Winner to gb9's post in the thread Apostasy 101.
    that is the whole thing- they think they are " good people". they do not understand ( or acknowledge) what sin actually is, how deep...