Reactions received by gb9

  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    no one says it is not. Peter and Judas both betrayed Christ, in different ways. Peter came back to Christ, Judas did not . and, more...
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    do you not think it would much better to take the Bible as a whole, instead of plucking out verses and building theology around them...
  • GracethroughfaithinChrist
    do you not think it would much better to take the Bible as a whole, instead of plucking out verses and building theology around them...
  • reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    do you not think it would much better to take the Bible as a whole, instead of plucking out verses and building theology around them...
  • reacted Winner to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    well, that could be because he and any who think that works are necessary to maintain salvation are choosing the broad path, not the...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    did your Stanford prof teach you this??
  • reacted Funny to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    did your Stanford prof teach you this??
  • stillness
    stillness reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    did your Stanford prof teach you this??
  • GracethroughfaithinChrist
    well, that could be because he and any who think that works are necessary to maintain salvation are choosing the broad path, not the...
  • GracethroughfaithinChrist
    did your Stanford prof teach you this??
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    well, you certainly hide from me a lot. multiple times, you just bolted from a exchange we were having when I posted verses you did not...
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    do you not think it would much better to take the Bible as a whole, instead of plucking out verses and building theology around them...
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    well, that could be because he and any who think that works are necessary to maintain salvation are choosing the broad path, not the...
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    well, since you and your prof have made up your own definition of Pisteuo, and ignored all the true ones, their is really no point in...
  • PS
    PS reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    this is what I mean. you say truthfully that one has to believe, and continue to believe to be saved. you say that is all that is...
  • GracethroughfaithinChrist
    well, since you and your prof have made up your own definition of Pisteuo, and ignored all the true ones, their is really no point in...
  • GracethroughfaithinChrist
    this is what I mean. you say truthfully that one has to believe, and continue to believe to be saved. you say that is all that is...
  • reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    since you do not wish to discuss Scripture ( you have bolted from covo with me multiple times), I will answer your question. yes...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    since you do not wish to discuss Scripture ( you have bolted from covo with me multiple times), I will answer your question. yes...
  • reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    also, seems that the definition of the word " believe " scares him also. he refuses to discuss it.