Recent content by enril

  1. enril

    looking for teens who've had an account/ been semi active.

    lol I realize I have really bad grammer there.
  2. enril


    yeah. its kinda chronic, based on my depression level.
  3. enril

    Favorite worship song or recommendations?

    I only have like 1gb ram, not sure what that really means lol. i dont have the proccessing power. this site barely runs, and if someone posts a gif...................
  4. enril

    Looking for Christian friends

  5. enril

    looking for teens who've had an account/ been semi active.

    I never thought of this, but at the prompt of @HealthAndHappiness, I posting this. any teens remained 'around?' for longer than a couple months? pleas, tel me.
  6. enril

    Favorite worship song or recommendations?

    I cant play videos, but I like. my favorite is interchangeably good, good father and gratitude(brandon lake)
  7. enril


  8. enril

    Looking for Christian friends

    i know. I would nevr feel so loved if I had not rejected christs love for three years, during which i was in porn, and worse, self-harmed, tried to kill myself, but then it HIT me. all this time, all my life, he has been so, so faithgul, alll my life, so goog. and all of a sudden, I realized...
  9. enril

    Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert -- Which One Are You? Or Are You Different Things in Different Situations?

    I am very introverted, but I am energized by people, and usually I can pop out of my introverted bubble when I need to. ~the naysayer
  10. enril

    What makes a prophet?

    as humns we are limited, and therefore we misunderstand, and cannot put the same things the same way. I myself have an idea, but it is not quite formed.
  11. enril

    Hi. Am a teen and am looking for new Christian friends.

    unfortunately this has I believe happened to...every single teen I want to say.? except little ol me
  12. enril

    Hi. Am a teen and am looking for new Christian friends.

    hola! i hope you stick around. I've been here since september, and not one of the new teens in that time have stuck around for over a month or so. but a lot of them have taught me, before leaving. btw i'm 15.
  13. enril

    Struggling with 🌽

    It's not easy, but keep up hope. sometimes that little thing is all we need. one of my friends, about 2 months ago, shared that she has been a month without porn, and it is possible, it is hard, it feels impossible, but it is possible. I am doing a month, and have allowed myself to do...