Recent content by decipher

  1. D

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    We get baptized in the name of the Father when He chooses you to receive His Holy Spirit by granting the repentance necessary for you to turn to Him for forgiveness. You get baptized in the name of the Son, when through preaching, you put your faith and trust on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for...
  2. D

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    What many are not realizing is that salvation is a state of being produced by the Father and Son when the Son baptizes with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, according to Isaiah 63: 9-10, is the angel of His presence. In otherwords, where the Holy Spirit is, the Father is. So the Holy Spirit is...
  3. D

    Understanding God’s election

    I'm trying to understand and at the same time trying to use common sense. Could you possibly tell me, in the Trinity, Father and Son have different wills. Which one commands? Which one obeys? Which one is sent by the other? Which one is the God of the Son? Did the Father exist before the Son...
  4. D

    Understanding Jesus Christ

    To Dougcho: The Incarnation (birth of Jesus) The Holy Spirit miraculously created the fetus of Jesus Christ in the womb of the virgin Mary (Matthew 1:18,20; Luke 1:35). Father God was referring to Jesus when He said: “You are my Son. Today I have become your Father. … I will be his Father, and...
  5. D

    Understanding God’s election

    The Son always agrees with the Father's will because the Son obeys the Father, but the Father's will does not always agree with the Son's will. Luke 22: 42 Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.
  6. D

    Understanding God’s election

    John 6: 38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me. Obviously, the Father and Son have different wills, but it is the will of the Father that the Son obeys. Notice that the Son obeys the Father's will even while up in heaven.
  7. D

    Understanding God’s election

    It is Jesus who died for everyone and it is he that is not willing that anyone should perish, but the Father's will includes His justice which has to be demonstrated to all beings. Rather than condemn everyone, HE displays his grace by saving a few of His choosing, not our choosing. Not only...
  8. D

    Understanding God’s election

    All things that come to pass includes the answers to our prayers. The Father in His infinite power can traverse His power throughout the history of humanity that includes past, present, and future. He is not limited or stuck in our present life like we are.
  9. D

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Never mind for meaning of POS. I just figured it out.
  10. D

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Hi GWH. You'll have to excuse my ignorance, but what is "POS"? Also, what is God's Way? I do know that the early Christians referred to themselves as "The Way", but what is God's Way? Thank you for your impending response.
  11. D

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Sure. The Father and Son are two different beings for the simple fact that they talk to each other. The Son is filled with the Father's Holy Spirit. From Isaiah 63: 9-10 the Holy Spirit is the angel of the Father's presence. Where the Holy Spirit is, the Father is. The Father fills His Son with...
  12. D

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    There are no requirements for salvation because God does it all. 1 Cor 1: 29-31 That no flesh should glory in His presence. But of (by) Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of (by) God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption; That, according as it is written, He...
  13. D

    the Sabbath

    Rom 13: 8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another; for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. The problem with humanity is their motivation for living, which is love of self above love of God first and love of everyone else as we love ourselves. The Father chooses (John 17: 2,9...
  14. D

    the Sabbath

    The Sabbath was God's day of rest. He had created our reality and then he stopped to let our history play out. That is how He rested because God does not need to rest. We are living in God's 7th day (the Sabbath) and we should keep our every days holy by loving God, worshiping Him, thanking...
  15. D

    The "God told me to tell you" Phenomenon

    I only trust God's Holy Spirit and what the Father and Son reveals to me from the KJV of the Bible. Should I trust what men say? When the revelations I get is congruous with all scripture, then I have no choice but to think of it as truth and to reveal it as God's truth, not mine.