
David L Simpson Jr
Marital Status
not married
Spiritual Status
When saved
Years ago, I don't quite remember exactly when it was to be honest.
Country Flag/Nationality
Country (Location)
United States
Missouri [USA]
Favorite Bible Verse
Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and look at my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Don’t be faithless, but believe." - John 20:27
Well, there's not much I can say really. I know I say that on almost every "About Me" thing I've ever filled out but I always end up writing something like a book so bare with me. hahaha I've lived quiet a rough life in the short years I've been here. So if I seem off or not all there, that's why. Years of trust issues and mental and emotional damage, plus anxiety and depression and other issues, can really do a man down. So u'll have to forgive me for that, I apologize ahead of time....... I never really had a social life growing up cuz my late parents were poor and were over protective of me being out in the world with other people, so I've lived a very sheltered life I guess some would say. But I grew up in a family that was "Christian" half the time, so I do have belief in God and His Son, Jesus. I haven't read much of the Holy Bible so there's alooot that I don't know about it. And I came here in hopes to make some good Christian friends, and so that I can grow in Faith through this walk of life with Jesus. I am saved, I just don't remember when it was because it was back in my early teenage years. U know, when everything changes. lol I do know how it went tho, mostly. My Sunday youth teacher was bringing me home from a big annual event we had at church, and near my home at the time was a small First Baptist Church that had an Annex (not really sure what that is but that's what the sign said it was). He's a very good man and he had something on his mind the drive home that night. So we stopped and parked in the Annex parking lot that was completely empty, and he started talking to me and asking me questions along the lines of being saved and being a born again Christian. After we had some conversation, we started getting into the bible for a little bit then we began praying together and he guided me through that life saving prayer. And we spent about maybe 10-20 minutes total there in the parking lot, maybe longer. I don't exactly remember anything that was said, but I know it was sort've life changing after that had happened. But it never really took affect until several months ago, and I started getting the urge to come closer to God and get to know him better, and create a better relationship between us. Sometimes that burning fire is there, and sometimes it's embers. But I think as time goes on, I believe that fire is going to be more constant, and those embers will become less and less as more time goes on that I spend on this website and with the people that are on here. And I hope my senses on this are correct, because I'd love to grow stronger in faith with my personal Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and the Father who is God Almighty Himself.... I think that's about all I can put on here for now, and I thank u, the reader, for reading this all the way through if u have. I try to focus on the positive rather than the negative, so it was really hard to not put the entire life story on here. So I thought it'd be a good idea to put just that one bit in there so people can treat me accordingly to the experiences I've had so far so I can grow stronger in God and make truly good friends along the way. This journey through life has been rough and tough, and I think it's time to start a new chapter in my life and start living more for the Lord as time passes on. Thanks!
