Reactions received by DavenDottie

  • M
    mar09 reacted Like to DavenDottie's post in the thread Prayer.
    We savor the aroma of your praises on our lips. We cherish every moment of your presence in our midst. We long to taste of you again...
  • P
    Poinsetta reacted Like to DavenDottie's post in the thread Prayer.
    We savor the aroma of your praises on our lips. We cherish every moment of your presence in our midst. We long to taste of you again...
  • Seeker47
    Seeker47 reacted Like to DavenDottie's post in the thread Prayer.
    We savor the aroma of your praises on our lips. We cherish every moment of your presence in our midst. We long to taste of you again...
  • M
    mar09 reacted Happy to DavenDottie's post in the thread Prayer.
    It's Dave, but I guess you had a 50/50 shot at it. LoL
  • N
    navy_seal671 reacted Like to DavenDottie's post in the thread Prayer.
    We savor the aroma of your praises on our lips. We cherish every moment of your presence in our midst. We long to taste of you again...
  • Cyberm
    Cyberm reacted Like to DavenDottie's post in the thread Prayer.
    We savor the aroma of your praises on our lips. We cherish every moment of your presence in our midst. We long to taste of you again...
  • Cyberm
    Cyberm reacted Happy to DavenDottie's post in the thread Prayer.
    It's Dave, but I guess you had a 50/50 shot at it. LoL
  • J
    Jesusfollower reacted Friendly to DavenDottie's post in the thread Prayer.
    We savor the aroma of your praises on our lips. We cherish every moment of your presence in our midst. We long to taste of you again...