Reactions given by Coldel

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    Coldel reacted Like to Lafftur's post in the thread Marriage Advice.
    I think this is what God's design was for a husband and a wife............. becoming one in body, soul and spirit............ To love...
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    Hello everyone! First I would like to thank everyone who took the time to reply to me on this issue, either in the thread or in private...
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    Coldel reacted Like to your post in the thread Christian men hang out.
    No I don't think that it is ok if you are married because one of you may develop feelings for the other, either her for you or you for her.
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    Coldel reacted Like to Dino246's post in the thread Christian men hang out.
    I'd give that a qualified "No". Obviously, if the "woman" is his sister, mother, daughter, or other close relative, then it's fine...
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    Coldel reacted Like to theanointedwinner's post in the thread 666.
    This part is more important, please be more detailed if you can, about fighting to survive it This part shouldn't matter unless of you...
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    Coldel reacted Like to Subhumanoidal's post in the thread 666.
    It means nothing at all. It's just a number and will inevitably pop up in life. You can't be "too superstitious" as a Christian because...
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    Coldel reacted Like to Mii's post in the thread 666.
    It's popped up many times in my life. I'm pretty sure there is a scripture about not reading omens...I'm looking for it now but it's...
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    Coldel reacted Like to he-rat_of_the_circus-mice's post in the thread 666.
    I dunno. I wouldn't like it. Maybe there is some superstition in me. Ultimately, God has power over even superstitions. But 666 is also...