Reactions received by Chosen7Saint

  • Deuteronomy
    Deuteronomy reacted Like to Chosen7Saint's post in the thread Regeneration.
    Hi, I have a question regarding receiving the Holy Spirit or regeneration (I believe this is when God's grace falls upon someone so...
  • Deuteronomy
    Deuteronomy reacted Like to Chosen7Saint's post in the thread Regeneration.
    I'm just now seeing the replies to this thread. Thank you all who took the time to share your insights. It's still very confusing when...
  • Deuteronomy
    Deuteronomy reacted Like to Chosen7Saint's post in the thread Regeneration.
    No problem. I just made an editing mistake by quoting you another poster in the same reply...oops. But I'll review the scriptures. Thanks