
Marital Status
not married
Spiritual Status
When saved
Country Flag/Nationality
Country (Location)
United States
Michigan [USA]
Favorite Bible Verse
seek ye the kingdom, and all else shall be added unto you
I am a very shy person in a way. Although I do talk alot when trying to explain things. I grew up very abused. Became a christian. God is my life. But I have a hard time meeting people.I have spent most of my life alone doing not much but living and caring for my kids, no traveling, or anything real exciting like i would like. I am Italian, so i want to see italy some day. I was never really taught how to communicate as a child. I had a horrible childhood. So alot of people tend to shy away from me. Because I say random things that people think of as weird. I don't really know. I've never tried to keep friends. I've been alone most my life. I was married 10 years and have 3 beautiful children that I dedicate my life to. I need some christian friends. Possibly someone to talk to. As For some reason, my past is now coming back to haunt me. So i know its Gods way of revealing to me some things that i have stuffed inside. I need to let these things go. I need some discussion on these things. I still need healing. I love christ and i worship him all day. But, in order to grow and be able to talk or pray with or be around people, I need to let go of my past. I'm the girl who sits in the back corner of the church, even if someone talks to me, i still kind of run away because of my past rejections.And most people don't understand me. I've had friends, but they tend to disappear without a trace. I don't say mean things so i dont understand.


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