Recent content by btr215

  1. B

    Church Attendance

    my issue with the current church i did attend is. They pass the collection plate everyday there is service. This week the pastor stood infront of everyone and said , "next month were having our special day of giving to the lord and i expect you all to sacrifice even if you cant, it should be...
  2. B

    Church Attendance

    THIS 100% Too many pastors are in it for the money these days and it turns people off from praising in a building. Also, god work doesnt equate to giving a pastor and a building your money, each person probably could do alot more and better work on their own if they tried..
  3. B


    I think its for many reasons,,, One may be that while some just go to church on sundays and that is the begining and end of what they do as far as god goes, while some go to church then spend a large part of their time and money doing gods work all week, the later people see a better place to...
  4. B

    questions about my pastor

    thankyou im lost and under attack from both sides no one understands me.. our pastor makes comments on race color and about people having no teeth etc i feel its a competition and he has a select few who are family while the rest are set aside... saul aka paul turned into an amzing person so why...
  5. B

    questions about my pastor

    Im recently saved and baptised for the second time and have some issues with the way our pastor speaks im not sure where to post my issues and questions in. ? sorry and ty...
  6. B

    New here hello!

    thankyou all. Im currently finishing acts then ill probably continue on to romans . This week I have my baptismal coming.. So much has changed in my life.. I slipped a little bit but hes always here for us when we fall...its so amazing.
  7. B


    Chick fil a is a christian company off every sunday etc. We go through hard times but hes always with us. Id continue to pray daily for your situation to get better. You cant feel like god dont want me to do this or have bad feelings towards him when were in hard times. I am in a simular...
  8. B

    New here hello!

    Im Bob, im new was recently saved and im amazed how much my life has changed since. just wanted to say hello.