
The question people must continue to ask themselves is, (Where does the desires of my heart lay?) (Is it with the world, and all the temporary that will pass away, or is it "eternal" with wanting to know and please God?) I asked a person, "Can a person be addicted to cocaine and also be a Christian?" At first they replied no, but then said, "I don't know.", which was wisdom of their years. The answer is yes. God accepts us as we are, and gradually changes us from the inside out to reflect His righteous character. It would seem that people who claim to be Christians all their life would be the ones who reflect His righteous Character the most, but obviously, that is not true. True relationships require, trust, reliance, and love, and none of those can we do, except that the Holy Spirit lives through us, just as Jesus described that He is the vine, we are the branch, but it is the Holy Spirit that produces the fruit. Long story short, keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23-27, and work out your own salvation for it is God who causes us to both to will and do His good pleasure, Philippians 2:12. Do that and you will be living a Christian life, despite the giving into the desires of the flesh. I say that because once a person repents they are forgiven, and the desires of the flesh merely become stumbling blocks to the new desires of our heart, and that there is only two ways a person can become "unsaved", one is by "apathy", being half hearted about loving God, the other is to outright turn the back on God and walk away. But, Do the scriptures that I quoted you, and you will be relying on God, instead of yourself, to fulfill His righteousness in you because of the His umbrella of grace, and do that to remember you must rely and depend on His mercy, and "new Covenant" of grace of salvation to keep you a child of God.
June 12
Marital Status
not married
Spiritual Status
Church Status
not attending church
When saved
age 12
Country Flag/Nationality
Country (Location)
United States
Favorite Bible Verse
Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times and strength of salvation, the fear of the lord is his treasure. Isiah 33:6.d
What is a Christian?


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