Recent content by bluto

  1. B

    I'm curious to know if there are some on this forum that deny the deity of Jesus Christ?

    Ok! How did Jesus Christ know He existed before the world existed at John 17:5? IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  2. B

    I'm curious to know if there are some on this forum that deny the deity of Jesus Christ?

    First, I want to thank everybody for the "thumbs up." I feel kind of foolish by not knowing that one can get banned on this site if they do not believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, especially after being here 8 years. You should know that I've been a Christian for 63 years now and I do...
  3. B

    I'm curious to know if there are some on this forum that deny the deity of Jesus Christ?

    Well I was not aware of that fact and I've been here about eight years now. IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  4. B

    I'm curious to know if there are some on this forum that deny the deity of Jesus Christ?

    That is to say that Jesus Christ is a created man like the rest of us and He did not pre-exist His birth in Bethlehem around 6 to 4 BC. I have a very important question to ask you that might change your mind as to His deity? IN GOD THE SON, bluto
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    WHY? The following list is the function of the Holy Spirit. In the list is Acts 16:6-7, "And they passed through the Phrygian Galstian region having been FORBIDDEN BY THE HOLY SPIRIT to speak the word in Asia." Vs7, "and when they...
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    The Holy Spirit at 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7. I can't think of anything or anyone more powerful that Gods Holy Spirit, can you? IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  7. B

    Romans 10:9 - Salvation

    I wish you be more specific and tell us where this "so-called" typo is located? My NASB states, "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved;" So, can you explain after reading these to renditions why the...
  8. B

    Why would God create someone knowing

    It's not His wish that anyone goes to hell or perish. He gave us free will which means you make choices in life as to who you want to follow. Many years ago a person ask Billy Graham what's the first thing your going to ask God when you see Him? He said using two words, "Why Me." Please read...
  9. B

    Charismatic dogma

    What are some of the names of these preachers, just out of curiosity! IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  10. B

    The one and the same or not?

    I think you might have a point and the following example suggest your point. is valid. "I read the article about the new study. Now I know that the benefits of exercise extend beyond physical health." In this case, the person previously lacked this knowledge, but the information gained from...
  11. B

    The one and the same or not?

    The short answer to your question is a resounding "NO." Your asking me to prove a negative and in logic this is known as an argument from silence which is an irrational question. I cannot demonstrate what God has "NOT DONE," No one can. For example, can you tell where in the book of Acts...
  12. B

    The one and the same or not?

    Let me make this whole issue of your understanding simple. Genesis 3:9 states, "Then the Lord God called to the man, and said where are you?" Now, don't you think the Lord knew where Adam was hiding because Adam realized he and Eve had sinned against God? In fact look at verse 7, "For the eyes...
  13. B

    The one and the same or not?

    And what I see is someone not really understanding God. So I will try it this way. Do you believe God is completely omniscient? That is He knows absolutely everything having perfect knowledge? This is a "yes or no" question? BTW, God has loved me for past 63 years of being a Christian. IN GOD...
  14. B

    The one and the same or not?

    I gave you the answer in in my very first sentence. Or to put it another way Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac to demonstrate and strengthen Abraham's faith, not to gain new knowledge about him. Also, the test was meant to reveal the depth of Abraham's trust in God, proving his...
  15. B

    The one and the same or not?

    I think your making more out of this than is necessary! The simple answer is that God tested Abraham to see if he would take God's word over his own reason, thus proving that the sacrifice was already satisfied in Abraham's heart. Now I have a question for you? Genesis 22:11 says, "But the angel...