Recent content by bluejean_bible

  1. B

    Random game.

  2. B

    can you guys post something funny please?

    MTTHA Make This Thread Happy Again ;) Let's de-politicize this thread and get it back to its happy place. Cats can talk?
  3. B

    Becomes Trump a dictator?

    President Trump revealed in his joint session of Congress speech the unbelievable numbers of elderly receiving Social Security. One was more than 200 years old! Others were over 100 y.o. Who's actually getting that money? I know a 63 year old who applied. They also work. He was told he...
  4. B

    Know of any natural laxatives?

    Do not use mineral oil. Mineral oil is refined petroleum.
  5. B

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I don't know about you but if they take a swing of that beer I'm going Vegan.
  6. B

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    I think there is a problem in thinking we can only know Godby reading the Bible. And especially as regards your observation. Those who have no Bible or are illiterate would then be lost. God told us he is not found in buildings constructed by our hand. So too I would say,he is not founding...
  7. B

    What happens?

    :( *Hugs you Praying
  8. B

    Payment processing

    And I thought it was just me. lol When we went to amend our mortgage a few years ago was when I found out the bank that we applied to was not the one that gave us the money. They told us our mortgage money was through a private lender. An individual. So,after that, besides wondering why...
  9. B

    can you guys post something funny please?

    How Was My Day?
  10. B

    Can you be baptized by an unbelieving person?

    I don't think the T factor can be ignored on that front. Sadly enough, God knows they can and do join our communities.
  11. B

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    I'd hope someone doesn't believe that. :(
  12. B

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    I see it as the ego being empowered by those who insist they must help Jesus to keep his word. His sermons about the Gospel, his death on the cross, wasn't enough when someone subscribed to works salvation doctrine. Those believers first believe they can save themselves by works,because the...