Reactions received by Babycherub

  • Nicolas
    Nicolas reacted Like to Babycherub's post in the thread Prayer.
    I just began a relationship with God however I'm having trouble with praying. Am I supposed to hear God when I pray? How do I know if he...
  • Deuteronomy
    Deuteronomy reacted Like to Babycherub's post in the thread Prayer.
    I just began a relationship with God however I'm having trouble with praying. Am I supposed to hear God when I pray? How do I know if he...
  • daisyseesthesun
    daisyseesthesun reacted Like to Babycherub's post in the thread Prayer.
    I just began a relationship with God however I'm having trouble with praying. Am I supposed to hear God when I pray? How do I know if he...
  • enril
    enril reacted Like to Babycherub's post in the thread Prayer.
    This is a great prayer!
  • enril
    enril reacted Like to Babycherub's post in the thread Prayer.
    Oh thank you I did not know that! 😧