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  • Hello Oncefallen,

    I seem to be experiencing a few issues when submitting sincere responses in discussions.

    I try not to make anything personal, but there are a few who seem relentless in trying to bait me into arguments that don't have anything to do with the stated topic, or scripture, but rather my personal life.

    I've already used the 'ignore' option twice, and I feel bad doing this...

    Thank you for all you do! Hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving. :)
    In Turkey, we are a family of three and we are Christians. Our lives are in serious danger and we need immediate help, so that we are afraid to go out. How important is the saving of human lives to you? According to the word of God, are we your neighbors? ? Please hear our cry for help
    Hello Oncefallen, How are you all, I was looking for the forum rules, can you send them, please?
    I'm so glad to hear that you've only fallen once. Oh, don't worry about it, Jesus stumbled and fell while carrying His cross, too.
    Just wanted to leave a small token of appreciation and say thanks for all that you do for all of us on CC. It's served as a real blessing to me and many of us. It must also be said that I really enjoy your contributions and wisdom in the threads when I see it.
    But just wanted to say thanks to you and the team for creating and maintaining this space of fellowship 🙂
    hi, can you tell me how to upload a profile pic?
    idiot in Chief?..haha :D
    I've often wondered why he chose that moniker. Seems to me he's the most intelligent one on here. Certainly the most reasonable.
    It has been a busy summer and fall and I can't say how happy I am to be back here in the forum. If I missed anything, please fill me in. Yous in Christ........Stan.
    Please change your title immediately; I will not allow you to talk about my friend Jim in such a manner!

    Hope you and Mrs. Fallen are well :).
    Merry Christmas! Hope all is well in your household (and that this method of greeting keeps your message board from becoming too cluttered :) )
    I really, really, really enjoy your troll tendencies.

    Thank you for your service ;)
    ~Throws rice everywhere~
    hi Once hope you're doing well I added you a while back and hope you will accept have a good one god bless
    How are you mister? :)
    Haha! I owe you, like, a hundred dollars for editing that. Will you take a check? :D
    hey oncefallen, next time your in the chat, I have a question for you.
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