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  • homwardbound
    Thank you, started reading, seeing to trust Father to reveal as needed to be revealed
    I love the Mail part about who is this addressed to
    to, watch out to not take over others mail and make a mess of things
    thanks Brother in the risen Son that leads us new in love to all.
    Thank you, I have now read Chapter 1. I like, love learning and there was and is deep things said about dispensationalism
    We are here today after the cross, after the resurrection of Son. Me seeing, the death had to happen first, for reconciliation to all, before, during and after this last sacrifice given for Father to be pleased, and us to be accepted, not by any work, by Faith one does the work asked to do.
    God simply just loves us all. Otherwise God would not have gone to the cross willingly at all "God just loves us y'all"

    I am safe and all is well, as I hope for you the same. Been a long time now, and trust you are well
    Mailmanda Thank you for letting me know this, I pray for Seabass and everyone, in trust to the King, Father of the risen Son, Jesus the Christ our way to new life to be given us from FAther through Son as risen after death took away all sin in Father's sight, not this world's or flesh natures. I have been over at Goodle+ for the past three years
    TrulyGoddoesjustloveus, and other sights I have joined over there. that sight I started and love it and is well for my soul.
    I love you all
    Hey brother, welcome back! :) I was only kidding about it being safe to come back because seabass has been banned. :p
    It's safe for you to come back to Christian Chat. SeaBass has been banned. ;)
    I am well, glad you care, and am safe in Father's arms. Father and Christ are my loved one's. I know all things no matter what work to Father' good.
    Since I am in Father and Father is in me it then works all to my well being as well
    Now this is the same for everyone else to that believes Father at Father's word
    God just loves us all, regardless what others might present or whatever we might go through here in this life
    Just look at Job and be revealed to stand no matter what, and not curse God. Trust is not easy when we all have been harmed and have harmed. God came to change that and give us new life in the Spirit not the flesh
    :) Hoping all is well with you and your loved ones. Please let me know if your upset about any thing. I still luv you in the Lord. jkalyna :) hugs, you've been a great thread maker, and poster. Prayed for you that all is well with you.
    anytime, I am available as this is I am sure true for you as well, what would you like to chat about? and if want my email address is renewed45@yahoo.com It is great to know others that care
    ​Hello homeward, hope all is well today brother. Let's chat sometime. God bless! Jen
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