
Healer of my Soul acoustic cover for song of John Michael Talbot--performed by Herald

This is an acoustic cover of the song by John Michael Talbot, "Healer of my Soul," who owns the copyright, and the song is used here only for non-commercial ...
thank-you both! it takes a lot of work and repetition to get a decent sound, and turned out to be pretty grueling for a hobby, but I'm glad I didn't give up. The first version was a video of just guitar and singing, but on youtube the sound was like a 5 second delay due to some kind of computer issues-- and I looked pretty goofy anyway, so just added the pictures. Let the pro-performers do live stuff-- that's THEIR gift.
Beautifully sung and played.. I love covers.. more humbled and from the heart than the commercial releases. God bless you Harold.

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