

Thank you... it is nice and simple :D I created a folder for just my floral elements the other night and moved the flowers I had in my miscellaneous folder, and florals from my frames and borders' folder to it, plus have been searching out new ones to use (mostly peonies at this time)... the new folder now has close to 500 items in it so far LOLOLOL. That last panel I designed (for Crossnote's thread on Friday night, with the Acts 13 verse on it) had a background that I constructed out of a single flower layered over and over again to fill the space within the frame :D Other things we also added to the background space, but that one flower was the base :) Simple does not seem to be in my design mode lexicon, though I appreciate the beauty of simplicity. I wonder if that is a dawn or a sunset picture? It perfectly fits the verse (y)

Thank you so much for taking the time to share. I don't think anyone, including myself, realizes the depth of time and devotion put into your designs. Like I said before, I zoom in to chk out the intricate details that surround the beautiful words. It really does serve to help highlight the meaningful words. I sometimes create meme's and enjoy the process but my skillset is not yours but I see the value in doing so. I liken it to meditating on Him and His word. I have learned more than a couple times from you, in your art, sharing His word, and in your understanding of His words. Thank you, Magenta.
You are welcome, Renee, and thank you very much for your very kind words as always :) I designed another graphic tonight; I had Romans 8:28 on my mind after posting to the new atheist who joined, and that very verse was mentioned at church even though most verses cited were from Proverbs, which we are studying through right now. This graphic is softer than the one I made the other night; I like it much better :D I also used some of the new floral elements I have collected recently. I had made a Romans 8:28 graphic before but was not really happy with it. Some things I make I do not like at all LOL. But I just keep doing it, and there are those I am quite pleased with how they turn out, like it is a surprise to me :giggle: I feel blessed to be able to do this, to create beauty for the purpose of sharing God's Word :love:

Thank you, Renee, I like this angel better also :)

I try to use different elements (no matter the theme, angel, flower, etc) so the panels do not look so repetitive, but some elements are just much better than others, and so lend themselves more naturally to repeated use... and it is actually fairly difficult to find very good angels. The one in the Acts 13 panel is a statue that I colored so it would not look so much like stone :)
Thank you so much for taking the time to share. I don't think anyone, including myself, realizes the depth of time and devotion put into your designs. Like I said before, I zoom in to chk out the intricate details that surround the beautiful words. It really does serve to help highlight the meaningful words. I sometimes create meme's and enjoy the process but my skillset is not yours but I see the value in doing so. I liken it to meditating on Him and His word. I have learned more than a couple times from you, in your art, sharing His word, and in your understanding of His words. Thank you, Magenta.
Renee :love: My artistic bent is life long... and it is such a pleasure and an honor to now give glory to God through it. I want to ask you which image program you use. Are some of the memes you put in life bits yours, then? I thought you were getting them from other places on the web, like facebook, as they sometimes have something that indicates that site. If you are adding text to an image to create a meme, are you able to add a layer style (like a glow, or a contour) around the text to help separate it from the background? Do you have the ability to add an additional layer (like a solid color) on top of the image, to add the text to, which you could cause to look mostly transparent, to allow the image underneath to show through for the greater part while allowing the text to be more visible? Making that layer just large enough to contain the text then allows the full opacity of the image underneath to show around the text, also. Putting a simple border of a contrasting or complementary color around the meme image also helps "pop" the image :D

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Pics that speak to my heart
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