

To quote another member...

it's best not to get all bent up inside when we face rejection and denigration..

May we all be mature and free enough to get this!!!
AMEN.............I tell my friends ALL the time....who cares what they think....this is not 7th grade and I am not in some popularity contest..........I can tell you the day I quite worrying about what other people think is the day I was 50% set free.......the other 50% can from not worrying about something that has not happened yet or not worrying about those things which are beyond my control......those three things really alleviated a lot of stress and worry I can tell you.......
AMEN.............I tell my friends ALL the time....who cares what they think....this is not 7th grade and I am not in some popularity contest..........I can tell you the day I quite worrying about what other people think is the day I was 50% set free.......the other 50% can from not worrying about something that has not happened yet or not worrying about those things which are beyond my control......those three things really alleviated a lot of stress and worry I can tell you.......
Brother, you are so SPOT ON!!! It took me a lot longer to get there than you, in both those areas. I always say, I am far too old to be this young. I rarely get hung up in self esteem, but sometimes still go down futile and shallow holes of whaaaaaa, bows head in shame, but thanks to Him, He brings me back to where I need to be, with Him. It really is about dying to self, all for His Glory!!!! We have to get over ourselves to get under Him.
we're talking about the 'laws' that our Saviour puts upon our hearts to keep us out
of all kinds of trouble' - especially the ones that He insists are very important,
the ones that will keep us out of jail, u know, the ones He lists to us in
the NT and the ones that He knows that we know go right along with behaving
in His guide lines of being virtuous by walking in His Light...

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