
  • Miri
One of the fish tanks from the park. 🐳
I had goldfish for awhile, and then took on tropical fish.
Then I became poor.

I had a tropical fish tank for years, with tiger Oscar, silver fin sharks, cylids etc. Then I got too busy and poor.

The tiger Oscar use to watch TV. There was one programme where it would scope out a hollow in the gravel then settle down facing the TV. It only did it for that programme!
Fish aquariums are fun but oh so expensive.
And I became a prisoner to my tanks and tending to all the cleaning requirements.
In the end I gave them all back to the shop where I bought them from.
I had Pearl Gouramis - very gentle and very pretty species.
Now I just have a pet spider walking around my bedroom!
Spiders !! We have spiders down here in Australia.
Big and hairy. Poisonous. Aggressive. Killers.
or you can adopt a gentle friendly every house has one "Huntsman Spider"

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