

Two of my favorite pastimes:) Does anyone else love sewing and piano?
I don't use patterns all the time. Sometimes I'll just lay a piece of clothing on top of the material and kinda copy it. Or I'll just play it by ear too lol. Many times for myself I'll use a basic pattern and then alter it for a new style im designing.
That's cool. I've read the manual and watched YouTube videos to learn how. A while ago, I came up with some designs and innovations that I wanted to use to start a business. I only regret not getting into the sewing part of it sooner.
How did you learn to sew?
That's cool. I've read the manual and watched YouTube videos to learn how. A while ago, I came up with some designs and innovations that I wanted to use to start a business. I only regret not getting into the sewing part of it sooner.
How did you learn to sew?
My mom helped me really get started when I was 12. Then I learned by trial and error and from others since then.

That's neat, what kind of things did you come up with to make?
My mom helped me really get started when I was 12. Then I learned by trial and error and from others since then.

That's neat, what kind of things did you come up with to make?
Oh wow! You had a head start on that skill set.

Backpack designs and specialty clothing for men. It was for a niche market that exploded in popularity after I went another direction.
God provided everything I needed to be successful, but I got discouraged.
Oh wow! You had a head start on that skill set.

Backpack designs and specialty clothing for men. It was for a niche market that exploded in popularity after I went another direction.
God provided everything I needed to be successful, but I got discouraged.
I can understand that. It's easy to get excited about something then life or whatever gets in the way and dampens it.
The Lord offered me over a hundred thousand dollars worth of commercial machines and much more. Everything was falling into place and I was going to get married at the time.
The Lord offered me over a hundred thousand dollars worth of commercial machines and much more. Everything was falling into place and I was going to get married at the time.
I'm sorry. I truly do understand that. I remember after I broke my engagement for a long time I didn't have much excitement for my former hobbies and such.
I'm sorry. I truly do understand that. I remember after I broke my engagement for a long time I didn't have much excitement for my former hobbies and such.
Sorry to go that rabbit trail. The subject just reminded me of the potential career change and how God was working with me. Anyhow, I could have gotten some big specialty machines from a factory that closed and was given to the place I worked for. They required a lot of space. The big factory was scheduled for demolition. In hindsight, I should have used my wildlife facility.
Sorry to go that rabbit trail. The subject just reminded me of the potential career change and how God was working with me. Anyhow, I could have gotten some big specialty machines from a factory that closed and was given to the place I worked for. They required a lot of space. The big factory was scheduled for demolition. In hindsight, I should have used my wildlife facility.
That would have been really neat! Oh well, there's always things like that we can't change I guess.

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Sun, 21 May 2023 5:55 PM
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