

A pelican resting after lunch
So cute. I wonder if that's their nest underneath them?
I am not sure. They had been fed lunch and were resting from the exertion of eating (there were about a dozen of them) the tide had gone out and I am not sure if the pile was the result of the receding tide or was the work of the pelican.
I looked for their nesting habits and found this.

Just one example of their nesting style.
I think you're right. That's just a bunch of sand Sir or Ms. Pelican decided to rest upon.

Lovely creatures. I visited friends in Florida a few years ago and Pelicans were everywhere on the beach. They're bigger than they appear in photos. And don't appear to be intimidated by people. Like, "see this beak lady? Yeah! No worries here! I peck you! I peck you hard!":LOL::giggle:
I looked for their nesting habits and found this.

Just one example of their nesting style.
I think you're right. That's just a bunch of sand Sir or Ms. Pelican decided to rest upon.

Lovely creatures. I visited friends in Florida a few years ago and Pelicans were everywhere on the beach. They're bigger than they appear in photos. And don't appear to be intimidated by people. Like, "see this beak lady? Yeah! No worries here! I peck you! I peck you hard!":LOL::giggle:
Wow! What an amazing photo.

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