

That's a great image! I don't think I've ever seen anything like that. That shows that young women are warriors too- even more so than us men in some ways.

The picture also does justice to her gender identity, even though it is symbolic, which the world is trying to confuse, and counters the world's misleading portrayal of women.

It doesn't help to judge people for things the secular world is promoting, which is gender confusion, but gender-neutral is not compatible with Christianity or the Bible. But we as Christians should be careful not to judge those who are non-traditional due to circumstances beyond their control. But, as CharliRenee who posted this? was saying in another topic, we can not remain silent when it comes to defending the truths of the Bible. We can not promote gender-neutral beliefs as normal, healthy, and compatible with Christianity, since God is not about confusion.
Our true identity is found in being humbly submitted to God's will and ways, and being open to whatever the Holy Spirit is leading, in all areas of our lives.

There is a vital difference between open, knowing rebellion against the Lord as we understand Him, and not understanding what has not been personally revealed, and humbly seeking a healthy relationship with Jesus.
I hope this image doesn't imply a feminist approach. I think we are all to apply this particular verse as children of God, not as a woman or man It has me pondering now, this image with this verse.
I hope this image doesn't imply a feminist approach. I think we are all to apply this particular verse as children of God, not as a woman or man It has me pondering now, this image with this verse.
Not to worry. When I saw and read this image I thought of a child of God suited up, as the Word says to be, women as well as men, right?
I hope this image doesn't imply a feminist approach. I think we are all to apply this particular verse as children of God, not as a woman or man It has me pondering now, this image with this verse.
I didn't see this as a feminist image, since she is not portrayed as a male, but as a strong feminine young lady. But, I don't want to sound judgmental towards strong women who are less feminine, but who don't want to be compared to men either.

I just thought it was a good diversion from the typical image of women as subservient to men and weaker. I'm not a psych expert or social, but it's not easy to define men and women, since we all, they say, have influences from a mother and father, those blessed to have both. But someone's mother might be less feminine, and their father might be less of the macho image.

There's enough gender confusion in the world already, with young men not knowing what a true man is, or young women not knowing where they fit into feminine identity.

But I think I disagree that that verse means the same for Christian Brothers and sisters, men and women of God.

People think I'm too anti-patriarchal, but I don't support feminism either. It's not rocket science, but it's not meant to be either. I was just thinking this morning about who my mystery lady might be, and trying to sort out Christian relationships, and always getting frustrated at not finding answers to life, but decided that the answer is:. Life without mystery would be no fun.

See? Too many words already. But it's ok.

I didn't get any gender confusion vibes from this image. Women and men have unique roles in life and the church, but prayer warriors are equal?

I've been arrested lately for being homeless by both men and women police officers, and they had equal authority. They both sympathized but they have a job to do, and when the lady pointed upward and toward the door and said, "you have 30 seconds to leave," I only wasted 20 seconds
and knew she meant business.
. They both sympathized but they have a job to do, and when the lady pointed upward and toward the door and said, "you have 30 seconds to leave," I only wasted 20 seconds
and knew she meant business. That made me giggle, glad you got to getting.

I def agree we have different roles as men and women.

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