
fresh Christmas card.png

We've been sharing Ideas and pics for over a week but when it started coming to together there's a complex mix of themes and messages. Magenta and I hope you like it. Merry Christmas. (It was 95% Magenta)
Yes, it is a Merry Christmas card/template/panel for our fellow CC members, which you, Bob, suggested I make, giving me the idea of a nativity scene set within a prominent temple :):love::)

Once I more fully grasped how you would like it set up, I was able to move beyond just talking and thinking about it and got into the flow of actually designing it. Here is one of my earlier conceptualizations of what you were trying to convey to me:

The background was just filler/a place holder to show you so you could tell me if I was understanding you correctly :) I originally thought the idea was to have each opening of the temple be a different scene to tell a little bit of the story in each separate part, which is why I had made the temple fill as much of the space as possible :) That was on Tuesday :D
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The temple originally looked like this:

:) By Tuesday we had already talked about it for a while :giggle:
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I have made a few slight alterations to it...

I like the green color of the frame you have better, though :unsure:

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