

Mom Came in my room crying. 'They killed him too' she said. 'Who?' I asked in the middle of the night.
'Bobby!' She screamed, then she started cursing in Slav. I was 15.
I reported it to the owner.
This is life bits, not happy bits. This was a significant event in my life as a teenager, TV news. I was thinking about John. Martin and Bobby. The pics were approved.

Sometimes we need a reminder freedom isn't free and it ain't cheep. Is this more grotesque than Jesus hanging on a a cross as seen in Churches, schools and sunday schools around most of the civilized world for 1500 years? They were murdered because they stood against racisim and wars. Where I grew up, in the United States, people wear crusifixes as jewlery and crosses stand on hills as a reminder I didn't mean to offend anyone. I didn't think it would so if the admin takes it down, well that's their choice I'll understand. However my vote is leave it up as a reminder, This war against evil isn't going to end till Jesus returns to end it. Feel free to PM me if you want to discus it with me.

This is a Christian site. These men died for the cause of truth, love and peace. Not political correctness.

I reacted to the picture too, but I think the difference in our thinking comes from the fact that we are all different, some are optimists, others are pessimists, and I think that you may fall in the later category, am I right? No offence intended, just sharing my thoughts.
Boy, South Africa has definitely seen more than its share of bloodshed, and in 2018, it appears to still be at it. So sorry for those who live there.

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