
Back When Christianity was Simple and Beautiful on Television

HEIDI 1937 - Christianity used to be about accepting what you are handed by God, taken what you are given. Unfortunate circumstances were never meant to be used as an excuse for malice thoughts, for if this were so, we would all have malice intents at one time or another. This simple representation of surrendering to the circumstances God allows shows the beauty of the Christian spirit. Accepting all that God places in our path with joy and peace even when it is difficult to bare. The strength of God will sustain any. Some have dark times more often than others and yet are still able to maintain a joy no one can possibly understand. They see her smiles and joy even when it should be a difficult time period. Christ's love is alive and living. Her kindness is so overwhelming enough and full of sweet and innocent grace that it almost seems heaven reaches down and speaks. It is so full of transcendent truth that it makes sinners repent on the spot; it is even so potent in love.... to make the darkest demons look back on the light they left and reminiscence about those days in the brightest lights and regret their current state of affairs. The faith and power of a child cannot be so easily undermined for such is the likeness of heaven. Matthew 5:16 - "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven"
Amen on the simple take on Christianity brother. Most of us will read scripture like: John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." Then wonder why God has allowed trouble into our lives. Without the valleys, we wouldn't recognize the mountain tops.
I am sure Tabin already has read my first published book that deals with this very issue: It is called "Stumbling Blocks: A Lack of Knowledge." Get yourself a free copy on my website named in the "Account Details" button in my profile.

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