

This artist reminds me of Larson....the Far Side. That's my favorite comic.

Dinosaurs were living with man throughout history. Most became extinct. The largest which survived the cool period following the flood, were likely hunted to extinction.
God describes two major sized dinosaurs in His Book of Job. There's lots of history about now extinct dinosaurs throughout the world.
There are still some that would be considered dinosaurs if they were extinct. A few get very large and even feed on people when opportunity exists.
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This artist reminds me of Larson....the Far Side. That's my favorite comic.

Dinosaurs were living with man throughout history. Most became extinct. The largest which survived the cool period following the flood, were likely hunted to extinction.
God describes two major sized dinosaurs in His Book of Job. There's lots of history about now extinct dinosaurs throughout the world.
There are still some that would be considered dinosaurs if they were extinct. A few get very large and even feed on people when opportunity exists.
I believe chickens can resemble raptors if certain genes are turned off or on.
I believe chickens can resemble raptors if certain genes are turned off or on.
I've raised exotic chickens of many varieties. Some of the Asian breeds thought they were raptors. They'd fly across the coop at your face as soon as you weren't looking. I had to use the feed bucket as a shield. I'd hate to get ripped by those talons.

You know what modern day reptiles occasionally feed on people don't you?
I've raised exotic chickens of many varieties. Some of the Asian breeds thought they were raptors. They'd fly across the coop at your face as soon as you weren't looking. I had to use the feed bucket as a shield. I'd hate to get ripped by those talons.

You know what modern day reptiles occasionally feed on people don't you?
I'm sure crocs do.
I'm sure crocs do.
Yes indeed, fishermen, ladies going to the Riverside laundry mat, bathers in many countries have safety challenges with certain types of Crocs.
Very Rarely a giant snake like the reticulated pythons will take a small person. Then there's the Komodo Dragon of Indonesia. I can't find the documentary any more, but one of the members of a scientific expedition didn't make it back to his cabin. They found his shoes where they last left him to finish up.

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