
Love this 🕊❤
I wanted to put a laughing face for the pic but didn't want it to be misunderstood. There was a reason for every law and commandment. From circumcision to pork, lobster. How to grow and harvest. In fact part of the reason the dust bowl happened was failure to heed the old testament while farming. Like Crop rotation allowing a different plot land to remain barren every year. Jesus fulfilled the part we can't but it's all still good advise. From the only one who knows everything.
I wanted to put a laughing face for the pic but didn't want it to be misunderstood. There was a reason for every law and commandment. From circumcision to pork, lobster. How to grow and harvest. In fact part of the reason the dust bowl happened was failure to heed the old testament while farming. Like Crop rotation allowing a different plot land to remain barren every year. Jesus fulfilled the part we can't but it's all still good advise. From the only one who knows everything.
What is pork, lobster?
Thanks so much for posting this! It really spoke into my life, especially in the particular trials I'm going through.

I actually keep coming back to this comic as a reminder. :)

Thank you again, and God bless.

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