
  • Sherril
I used to think Jesus was the only one who ever walked on water, yet Peter got out of the boat and walked on water to Jesus as the power of Christ was working......then Peter took his eyes off Jesus in fear and began to sink....yet Jesus in His mercy, compassion and love pulled Peter back up to safety to do the impossible......Peter regained His focus on the Lord......Jesus you are amazing ......Love in Christ Sherril....
My old salvage sand scrap parts recycled computer wont up load pics directly to PM's and I would like to use that pic on a project I am going to start called 'Recovery Island', May I have your permission?
bob it came off of facebook pictures i have many beautiful Scripture pictures and God pictures that i love there are many on facebook, and Christian groups that post such pictures....praise the Lord...love in Christ Sherril..(y):)i only wonder even though i received it from facebook and its public for all to see that the artist who's name is on the bottom of the picture might need to ok the use of the picture not me...just a thought...love in Christ Sherril....
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