1. If he did, would that not be contradicting what Jesus taught in Matthew 19:9?
2. What about when someone says that the bound Paul speaks of in 1 Cor. 7:15 is not referring to marriage due to him using a different Greek word for it than he did with it in Romans 7:2?
3. What would be considered a biblical and unbiblical divorce?
4. Who has the right to remarry?
5. How would this view harmonize with 1 Cor. 7:10-12 and Rom. 7:2?
Maybe, ask God and see it Spiritually from God, God never meant anyone to divorce, yet even God did that to Israel, Divorced them, then took them back in
Kind of like in Corinthians, tha man that wanted and had sex with his step mother, at least wanted Paul went against them in the letter to not support than person. Kick him out divorce him. For him to get buffeted by Satan and see his one mistake, and repent*Change his mind and see to not harm others, since God chose not to harm us all through Son for us all.
Then, I see in 2 Cor 7, Paul elated over they got the message and are seeing new and not taking for granted this forgiveness given them
Read it, He heard they got it and did at first regretted getting down on them over that situation, then said bring that person back in, remarry
I see from this to believe God is to marry God, you two become one and not haughty over it at all, no more pride enters or guilt either. We in a life long, here on earth learning lesson(s) to me at least
I look back and see many things gone, and then I hear from the enemies of God trying to put thought(s) in my mind, hey look at you, you got it together don't you? As soon as I accept any swelling words, Pride has put a crack on my unredeemed flesh door, that to me is dead to pride and guilt
Conscience by God is purged from guilt of sin
I know those passages are considered fro physical marriage, not to me anymore thanks