Look, I've got this fun little exercise if you want to play.
What do you think we should do about inflation. Let's go with you are the President of the United States and here we sit in an inflationary period, although it's about over, what policies or initiatives would you propose for the nation to follow to combat inflation? Of course, it can't be anything that would be seen as controlling prices in any way.
OK Go.
Sure, the government needs to tighten its belt, significantly. I would say cut our budget by 30%. You can't cut the interest payments and you can't cut the obligations like SS and Medicare so that means huge cuts to everything else including the military, NSA, CIA, etc. Obviously anyone even suggesting that would be a candidate for assassination, which is why I am not running for election as president this year.
Anyway, there are only two ways to get out of debt which is what this is, make more money or spend less. If we take cutting out expenses seriously that will boost the world's confidence in the US dollar. Then we need to start drilling for oil, the biggest way to increase our net income. Obviously if we did that the leftists would lose it. These are some really radical dangerous people. "A mostly peaceful" protest by them includes burning down the police department.
Next I would require Social Security to be buying gold for the SS investments. It should have been illegal for the corrupt government to fund their debt with the US debt. It should have been a law that if the US was going to manage our retirement accounts it would be invested in something that over 6,000 years never lost its value. Now if we do that we will fuel the rise of the BRICS currency.
So all the ways to resolve the crisis involve the rapid collapse of the US dollar as the reserve currency. Therefore the only way to resolve this crisis is to announce that the party is over and kick out all the parasites. We can go through twenty or thirty years of belt tightening great depression but then we will be stronger having repented of all our previous errors and returned to the Lord.