I don't believe God created anyone for damnation. But I do believe men fit themselves for destruction.
Again, I'm not a Calvinist. Your insistence that I am is bearing a false witness, just as your earlier assertion that I believe Jesus gives false hope.
You are a dishonest person.
Here is another answer.
God’s Way is Wide Enough
We know that God will deal fairly with those who have not received a direct presentation of the gospel, just as He will deal fairly with those who have. But is
God’s way too narrow? Far from it. God’s way is wide enough for everyone willing to accept it and receive Christ. The most important question any of us can answer is the one Jesus asked his own disciples, “But what about you?
Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:15; Mark 8:29; Luke 9:20).
What Motivates the Question?
Often the question is asked as a diversion. It immediately takes away the focus on the person asking the question and shifts a problem back to the Christian. This is not to say it’s not a legitimate question (it is), but the motivation is not always a sincere desire to get an answer. Of course, ignoring the question is not helpful, either, as this gives the impression that the Christian doesn’t care or doesn’t have a good answer.
Perhaps we can just say, I do not know.