I believe there are safeguards written into the instructions but when they are ignored, as so often happens, then it is anyone's guess as to what is true and what is not true. You may very well already be familiar with what I say here.
Yup - I've been in and around Pentecostal /Charismatics for the last 60 years, so there's little or nothing I haven't seen. BUt I DO AGREE, that the safeguards as listed in the 1 Cor 14 text aren't GENERALLY applied. In the cases I've PERSONALLY observed, the interpretations I've heard have been "Biblical", and of general interest.
There's been no "interpretations" that demanded significant action like: "Find john Smith and give him $6,000.
I remember hearing of a wartime case in England, where a prophetic word was spoken, instructing everybody to vacate the building, which was destroyed in one of the bombings shortly thereafter.
There was a case decades ago where my Wife was given a "Personal prophesy". SO we filed it in "Pending" and waited for confirmation. A month later another person independent from the first one, and not connected with us in any way spoke the SAME Prophesy to her. That's what you start taking it seriously. Anybody that commits resources on the basis of an unconfirmed "prophetic Word" is a FOOL.
In several cases, when I spoke an interpretation, another in the Congregation told me that They had the same Word, but were not burdened to speak it.
and there was a "hat trick" where a tongue was spoken, and the fellow to my laft began to interpret. As he did, I was burdened to interpret, and when he stopped in mid-message, I picked it up and spoke for 20-30 seconds, and then the flow of words stopped, and immediately the fellow on my right started speaking and finished the message. That's only happened once.
God isn't a "One trick Pony". Unless our Ministers, and Missionaries are all bald faced LIARS, the following occurs:
Tongues are spoken, understood by nobody, and there's an "Interpretation" in the common language either by the tongues speaker, or by somebody else.
Tongues are spoken, understood by a person, or persons in the congregation, AND interpreted, matching what the ones who understood heard.
Tongues are spoken, and understood by people in one or more languages.
The Common language is spoken, and understood by people in one or more different languages.
We had a fellow in Ohio, who'd "go off" in tongues as regular as clockwork in the service, and EVERY ONE Of his utterances was the same very simplistic, and always the same length. SO naturally I wrote him off as a PHONY. UNTIL the first time I was burdened to interpret, HE was the tongues speaker. SO - I learned not to be so judgmental.
Bottom line - IF you're burdened to speak in tongues in a service, you don't have to worry about interpreting, because God's already got somebody lined up to do it - it might be you.