I've recently visited a forum on Discord named "Israel" it also had the Israel flag. Wow, they were not happy people. They were mean, negative and off key with Christianity. This made me sad at first, and it made me think further...: who really is Israel and Jerusalem and Judah? Who really are these cities? Can I just go to Israel and assume everyone is friendly and Christian? Maybe not.
So who really are they? Thanks.
well I've been trying to say who Isreal is for several weeks here, and I've been called ever name under the sun here.
And that was even tho, I was telling everyone they will be charged with genocide soon. And they was,
Theres also an Isreal where by, Jacob was called Isreal.. and it's believe the children of Isreal today are Christians.
But yet Christians bless Isreal the Jews who kill 15000 children in a month, spit at Cross and kill Palestine Christian. But I wonder are they brainwashed Christians. Brainwashed by Zionist Christians. There known as the evangelicals. There everywhere.
So I guess I'm either in a place full of Jews.
Or quite alot of people are brainwashed.
But then I heard people must bless Isreal in order to not be cursed.
But like you say who is Isreal.
Well as far as I'm aware Isreal should be owed by the hebrews who are a type of Christian. The line of Judha in my book should be hebrews.
But no apparently there Jews.
But yeah I guess Im anti Jewish for saying so.
But no I ain't anti anything I'm just me.
Basically the majority of Jews are split into two groups these days, theres the religious Jews and then theres the Zionist Jews, who are of a political type, but use religion as a weapon, who are backed by Zionist Christians, who also use religion as a weapon.
Well it just so turns out there many Zionist Christians here. Some know they are and most don't.
Luckily there's the messianic Jew, but I really don't see a lot of them but at least they exists.
But anyhow I really think Isreal belongs to the hebrews.
Hope that helps 👍