Do you think Trump Is GODly or dEvilish?
I am not a judge, I am a witness. I think that Trump and Biden will both have to appear before the judge for the things they have done in this life.
I think the ties between Trump and Freemasons and those that worship Baal are quite evident.
But I also think that those who are the most devilish are vehemently opposed to Trump.
So it is confusing, and therefore I defer to the one before whom our hearts are laid bare to judge.
One thing I am clear on and something that Trump is also clear on, he is not coming back as a savior but as retribution.
One thing I strongly believe is that it is God that raises up kings and kingdoms and God that brings to naught kings and kingdoms. If Trump is used to bring to naught the US swamp, then it will be God who is using him.
Samson used the jawbone of an ass and God used Cyrus.
So when I listen to Trump I don't know, but when I listen to MSNBC my spirit is screaming "Witchcraft, liars, hypocrites"
I heard one guy on MSNBC talking about how Christians should be holy, people who are spending their time in the Bible, and in prayer and not being involved in politics. The question I had was why was he being paid by MSNBC to be a talking head concerning politics if he felt this way? The hypocrisy of this guy condemning others for speaking out on political issues was off the charts.