I feel like God called me to minister to atheists because I used to be one and I know all their arguments and their line of thinking, but one thing I still cannot refute is their accusation of the Bible being corrupt. I can share my faith and inspire belief in God. I can provide some proof for Christianity, but the only way I can defend the Bible as inerrant is compare the thousands of different "religions" we have in the world today to thousands of manuscripts of the Bible - they contradict each other, but that doesn't mean there isn't one that is 100% true, we just don't know which one of the manuscripts it is.
Bible corruption is the main reason why billions of people are now Muslim and will soon be majority of the population. Their main argument is Bible is corrupted and Quran is preserved. I can explain ALL apparent contradictions in the Bible, but some of them require nothing short of mental gymnastics.
Should we just throw away the doctrine of inerrancy? Could we say that God inspired the human writers of the Bible, but humans just make mistakes? So the main message of the Bible is God inspired, but the Bible is just full of errors because humans corrupt everything they touch.
This is why so many do not reach people they rely on their knowledge pf scripyutr they present the truth bu human means to those who do not know the truth. I feel I am called to the broken the wounded those who have only knwon pain and suffering attact from so called Christians I have seen the results of such methods they are broken bleeding they sta away from Christians many I have encountered were shock to find out I was a Christian
I didn't point ouyt their sins and relentless ly point out their sins using scripture to reach people you require a heart of understanding pain and suffering makes people go away from God instead of showing them where they are wrong when you treat them as Jesus treated the sinners they see something in you
presenting the truth is not to attack with scripture or show them how much of a sinner how much they lack how far away trhey are from God Jesus is the truth the way and the life so going about it any other way is simply foolish.
You know the struggle so you are already well equipeed to understand empathise and help them it is the method you go about that makes the difference.
No one accept it by scripture becaus they don'y accept God to begin with you will only make them go farther from God than before but if they see you different in your actions your words the presence you bring actions speak far more than words.
You first have to seek after the truth without refusing anythin else you have go toChrist himself to surrender utterlt him not just as your savior but your Lord many call him Lord but do not know the gravity of that title is you have actual reverence to him and give up your wants your willingness what you think as truth
Beleive me this seems like something many do but they do not truly know him and do not live with him they do not go into the deeper mystery and wonders of himself because they rely on their knowledge of the wriitten word but the living word shows you what the actual truth of the word of God he brings in you a real of the things we speak and read and teach about is real not just an idea or doctrine it changes you you see and understand things you never dreamed of he will if you utterly surrender to him come and live with you he even shows up physically you are not seperated by heaven and earth not spirit and flesh you actually know him you meet him and love living with him
When you get to this point you reach people where those who use scriipture and their knowledge of scripture fail how often do you see scripture and so called truth change a persons heart? you seek the truth the real truth you go and bow before Jesus himself as if he is right in front of you refusing to move until he gives you and trust me if your dead serious he will it changes you the truth needed begins with our utter surrender to him as king giving up anytinh we have our understanding what we think the word of God is and accepting what he says goes no matter what we think or believe
This is when he changes you when he fills you with truth the actualy experience of being with him and thus people just see this in you just in the words you speak they tell you that you are different they tell of all the Christians and churches that with their method only made them go further from God
I have spoken of this to many Christians because I got an actual tase him the power of God left me stunned unable to move just smiling he hS FILLED MY ROOM WITH HIS GOLDEN MIST OF HIS PRESENCE YOU ARE HOME YOU KNOW HIM SO MUC MORE IN HIS PRESNEC jESUS HAS VISITED ME several times because I was I was tired of this battle of scriptuire and trui\th that people only use to prove their doctrine their view AND SAY OTHERS ARE FALSE i HAVE only seen wars debates arguments the bllatent use of his word as if is a toy to use how you see fit and not to help ecerouge or strengthen our brethen but make war to make themselves right it is used to attack
Jesus did the opposite even among the sinners and ubelievers he showed compassion understanding he saw past their sins and that is how so many were saved and loved him the Pharisees thought themselves to be truth and looked down on other they knew the scripture but used it only for themselve how many did they save?
I am sick of Christians claining to attack in the so called truth I have seen first hand the damage they do to the misunderstoo the sinners who do do not have anyone to be there for them who tell them what God sees not society not Christianhs not even themselves
To me and trust me I have met a blood warlock see someone worth fighting for I don't point out their sins that they have told over and over I show them compassion I tell them they are not what everyone say I use scripture to heal encourage build and empathis
While it seems most use it as a sword or to debate and try to prove themselves and then opthers wrong but I have used it to heal to encourage to build up even amogst the worst of sinners and turns out that was the cure needed
I have been a liar a hypocrite a false prophet delusional lacking understanding of doctrine and scripture and people can say what they want but the sinners I was able to reach where other Christians failed to me this is what truth is what good is having all thge knowledge scripture if you don't do anything with it if it doesn't hope encouragment if it doeasn't help yp heal I wounded soul?
People his word for the opposite reason so the truth is granted to only a few those who have it get actual results not back and forth bickering and pointing others flaws