I just wanted to make sure that you knew that I was joking because you were the one I was joking about.
Believe me, my sense of humor often gets me in trouble. Even in life off of online forums.
Removing my scarecrow avatar was a choice I made based upon one other major factor which I will not divulge.
Anyway, thanks for not being offended.
Aw, it makes me sad that you feel you have to apologize for your sense of humor, Seeking. I'm sorry others have given you a hard time over it. I understand how it it is though.
I went through a time on the forum when I had some people messaging me, "We only like your serious threads; your other ones are stupid and a waste of time," while another bunch of people would say the exact opposite, "Why don't you write more funny threads like X, Y, or Z? Your other ones are boring."
They would give suggestions about what they wanted me to write, but they never had the spine to put in the work or take the risk of trying it themselves, so I learned very quickly not to listen to such people. I am who I am and anyone who's met me from this site has seen both sides.
As I've written about in many posts, my purpose seems to revolve around people who have gone through extreme conditions -- abuse, prison life, military duty, etc. all involving some of the most heart-wrenching things that could happen in this life.
If I didn't have a sense of humor or have the blessing of being around others who have one as well, my soul would shrivel up from depression and sadness and die.
People like you are here for a reason, and you are a blessing!!! I wish you would have been here in the past -- the crowd on this site goes in waves, and years ago, we had a group of maybe 20 - 30 people posting regularly who were always bantering back and forth! That was one of the best phases I've seen this forum go through.
Some people accused us of being a clique and still do, but the thing was, people would test the waters to see who could take a joke and who couldn't, and who wanted to participate or not, and the ones who seemed to want to play along became part of the regulars who would always be gently kidding around. Every day was literally a new adventure!
And this is why you'll see me picking on the same few people over and over again. I know they can take a joke and won't be offended. There are often new people I want to try joking with but I don't know them well enough and if they never open up or stay for long, I stop myself from trying because I don't want to be offensive or for them to mistakenly think I'm just picking on them.
Seeking, you are here for a reason. You'll get to know people on the site and their stories. Many are here on this forum because they're suffering from illness, joblessness, depression, difficult home lives, caring for disabled love ones, etc. -- all kinds of sorrows and troubles.
You might very well be ministering to and brightening someone's day just with your jokes. I've had many times when people have written and said, "I enjoyed (that exchange) so much -- I was having a tough day and it really made me laugh!" Sometimes people don't need to be quoted another Scripture they already know and has been recited to them hundreds of times. Sometimes, what people need is the LIVING part of Christian living -- real, life, authentic human interaction.
I think of the time when Sarah (regarding the birth of long-awaited Isaac) said, "God has brought me laughter!" (Genesis 2:16)
I know the conditions were very different but I believe God modeled laughter (delight) after His own emotions, and they are a blessing and a gift He has given us. How much more so if we can share them with other people!
Now of course, there are certain places where this won't be welcome. The Bible Discussion Forum (aside from the Speak Your Mind thread) tends to keep things serious at all times. I've seen people be downright chastised there for showing any sign of humor, just as one would expect there to be no laughing at a funeral. And I understand -- they're discussing serious topics, so it's just forum etiquette to respect the majority's wish in that part of the forum.
But there are other parts of the forum when you can go and if you're wanting to express that side of your personality, it's very welcome. In fact, you'll probably find that it fits in well with a lot of old-timers here.
You just keep being you and use that awesome gift God has bestowed on you!