It seems that [most] Ball Earth folks have a strong tendency to do this. And, unfortunately, it robs them of much
correct knowledge. All because they are not willing to accept what scripture says in its own context while swallowing whole - "hook, line, and sinker" - anything/everything that they are taught/told by the secular world system.
If you so much as have a true desire to know the truth and are truly willing to try to gain a proper interpretation and understanding of these 'cognitive dissonance' types of Bible verses/passages, then you are "way ahead of the rest" of those who choose to "take the easy route" rather than "take the bull by the horns" and seek the truth.
Those who are not willing to "do the hard work" will get a poor return on their [lack of] investment.
If you were not taught all of the 'disinformation' that you have been inundated with all of your life, you would not have any problem believing that one day stars will fall from heaven. But, since you have been taught that stars are a million billion trillion jillion times the size of the earth - you have a difficult time making sense of what scripture says. However, scripture contains
correct knowledge. And, you have to be willing to trust in that knowledge. And, anything that disagrees with it should be seriously re-evaluated.
If you want to obtain the proper interpretation and understanding of scripture, you must learn how to suspend everything you think you know about anything relative to the topic you are studying - assuming nothing - so that you may properly discern what scripture is actually saying to you.
When studying the Bible, you need to first make sure you understand the answer to the question:
"What does it say?"
before you try to answer the question:
"What does it mean?"
It is the 'saying' part of it that I am speaking of here. Yes - at some point, you start "adding back in" the other things that you have suspended temporarily; however, the first step requires that you not allow anything you have learned concerning the study topic interfere with the proper discernment of
what the verse/passage you are studying is saying. What it
means comes later. And, if you do not have the first part right - everything else after that falls into error.