Which would you rather do?
Or do you have some hybrid type arrangement where you work from home and have a home at work?
Not all of us are domestics...
It really depends...in the end I say I have no preference as there are pros/cons but it really depends on the group of people and also convenience (commute time, if workdays are stressful or more relaxed, etc.).
If you work 5/days a week outside, your coworkers really matter and quality of workplace relations/friendships. I worked in the office 5/days per week for many years until may 4 years ago.
Hybrids are nice, because you can use the work from home days to multitask by doing chores or cook that you would otherwise have to push into the weeknights/weekends.
Remote is nice if you are able to work in a different closer and be closer to family, closer friends, if if you have kids it allows for more flexibility, etc. I am currently working remote hours away from my work city. My work does not really have an ideal ideal environment where most/everyone are friends, are chatty, bond, etc. My particular office is known for having some antisocial people...many definitely didn't want to come back after the pandemic even living in the same city. So, I don't feel like I am missing out on much by being remote. But, I do know I am missing out on a bit. If I didn't know any close people in a city, I would definitely want to go into work at least 3 or 4 days/week.