I just showed you proof (not evidence) that the GC applies to all believers.
No you didn't. I proved that the GC was for just the 11 apostles. Didn't you read the 3 texts?
You thought it only applied to the 11 apostles who were present prior to Jesus' ascension?
OK, so you didn't read all of the 3 texts. Only Acts 1 mentioned the ascension. However, in Matt 28, the 11 weren't even in Jerusalem, so that would indicate that Acts 1 was a review of what Jesus had previously told them. And Mark 16 doesn't mention an ascension either.
And Acts 1:15 tells us that the followers of Jesus numbers about 120. Did Jesus address all of them and commission all of them? No.
By that logic, John 3:16, everything else Jesus said, everything the apostles, various prophets, and preachers said only applied to the audience to which they were speaking.
That's just silly. Jesus literally commissioned the 11 whom He had personally taught and trained for 3/5 years.
No wonder people are so confused, they are cherry picking what to follow and not follow based on a subjective mystery metric of their own choosing.
Cherry picking? Good grief, man. Get real. I provided ALL 3 times in the gospels that the GC was given and ONLY 11 were present.
Do facts EVER mean anything to you?
The Bible doesn't even talk in depth about most of the apostles, where they went, what they did, who the preached to. How do you know they fulfilled the commission of Jesus or not?
Because I have read the book of "the Acts of the apostles" over 240 times. It's all there. But yes, most of the apostles weren't mentioned. Mostly Peter, Paul, James, John, and some deacons.
How about Paul who seems to have never been directly told by Jesus to make disciples and baptize them, but Paul did it anyway?
He was the legitimate 12 apostle. He fulfilled the GC far more than any other apostle. Probably did more than all of the rest of them, since most of them aren't even mentioned in the book of Acts.
Aside from that, Paul gave a command in 2 Timothy 4 to preach the word.
Thank you for making my point!! Who was Tim? A pastor. To whom did I say the GC was directed in the NT to carry on the work of the GC?
Eph 4-
11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers,
12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up
13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
v.11 are the spiritual gifts for fulfilling the GC in each generation.
v.12 is the purpose of these specific spiritual gifts.
v.13 is the ultimate goal of these spiritual gifts for every generation.
Post 562 has all the verses that prove my claim. You should have read the whole post.
1I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine
Tim wasn't a pew warmer, but a pastor.
Eph 4:11-13 show who the GC is for: those with the spiritual gift of evangelist, pastors, teachers.