Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. - Nikola Tesla
What do you think of that statement, Dino? I noticed that you too went right to mathematics to support your argument. I was looking more for your personal verification of this thing called "gravity", for instance. We both believe that when dropped, heavier things go down, and lighter things go up. But how one would get from there to a spinning ball that holds water to it via something called gravity is something altogether different.
Also, regarding the centrifugal force on the oceans, isn't it claimed that it creates a huge bulge (many miles tall) at the equator? That doesn't sound "miniscule" to me.
I'm a Biblical earther. I believe, as the Bible teaches, that we live on stationary plane with a hard-as-bronze dome over us - in which the sun, moon, and stars run their God-appointed circuits over us, like a giant sky-clock.