I saw that the first time you posted it and agreed with it . But partial truth is still partial truth.
There may be very few truths that wholly express the fulness of truth - save for where the Father was pleased to make it so. In Christ by Christ and to the glory of the Father and the Son. Variations of that are always wholly true - in the fulness sense. What I wrote (my own words and quoting no others' words) was a truth - and it expressly speaks to the question of freewill. I should have though that was self evident. Nor do I see a need to make allowances for brethren who culturally appear to believe that endless hostility and argument are of themselves worthwhile. My skin was stripped from my mind when I was a small child so I don't flinch. No need for skin when you don't flinch.
You appear to be concerned with Unconditional Election. I wrote about free will and alluded to a reality of many folks conversions (in keeping with the threads presentation) that are often set at variance with one another. Some say that they chose Christ (Freewill) and others that Christ chose them (Predestination). I say that if men did choose Christ unto being born again it was only an illusion - as real as it may have been and in many fits of tears and groans because of sin - it is an allusion when that sense of choosing Christ - in that instant of being saved - becomes the basis for their walk. That is an inference to Total Depravity. I didn't make any reference to Calvin - however. I also posted a video @
#171. We should all be challenged by how we understand our calling. We live in exceptional times and there is no liberty to argue with one another - and then come to no proper basis to agree on why we must bear with one another in order to find a more mature basis to walk together in a time when the wolves are already devouring the flocks.
I also say that there is a choosing to be made - so I have written for decades on that theme in order to try and settle others' minds in a hope to encourage more growth. In face to face situations I just present a brass wall. No thin skin with me - I don't have any skin.