In Ontario, Canada, where I live, in a couple of weeks they are making it nearly impossible to live comfortably. They are issuing the passport system preventing non vaccinated people from going to restaurants and other public places. At home my wife is pressuring me so we can still do things together. Some businesses and schools that the company I work for accept vaccinated only people. I prayed about it all morning asking God to guide me. Then the first thread I saw when I opened CC was this one.
Here’s my apprehension. We are truly fantastically engineered. With the advances in technology, can they intentionally or unintentionally introduce glitches in our biological, neurological and reproductive systems? Absolutely they can and do. Children have been born without limbs from medicines mom was taking. That’s what medicine does. It hacks the chemical reactions in your mind and body. Best case scenario, we all just get a sore arm and an immediate passing reaction. Worst case scenario, Luciferians discovered a way to bio engineer a hack to interrupt the communication signal between God and man. We would be like a phone without a signal. God has designed for illnesses to thin the herd. Man has designed ways to prevent natural law. I choose God’s design. When it’s time to die, you die.
Only a healthy ignorant person would say this! Have you ever heard of the Fall? We stopped being the perfect individuals we were designed to be on that day! The Bible clearly says death came into the world. Death by accidents, but death by many other things.
Ever heard of the Flood? No alcohol before then! It somehow got loose from the fountains of the deep. Today, alcohol kills many. Then there was the canopy. That was a thick layer of clouds which protected humans and everything else from excessive radiation from the sun. That's part of the rain which came down, emptying the canopy, forever.
Very easy to look at the age people lived in Genesis. After Noah, it only took a few generations, before life ages went from 900 years down to Abraham, who died in old age, at 175 years. His descendants lived less and less. I call it radiation mutations. Certainly, we lost the ability to live long, after the Flood.
I got pneumonia as a baby. So did 2 aunts in the 1930s. Guess who lived to tell the story, because of antibiotics? Not the aunts! In fact, I would have died of childbirth 3 times. And pneumonia probably 25 or more times, without modern medicine. Then there is asthma, which I had for 30 years. At one point I was getting breathing treatments in the ER daily for several years. Thank goodness for inhalers and prednisone.
We won't even get into RA and other autoimmune diseases. With the new biologics, people with RA live 5-10 years longer than before such meds were available. And without the pain and deformities RA brings! I'm incredibly grateful to modern medicine.
God did create us to live forever. But humanity destroyed that at several points in early history. God did not want me to die as a baby, or of childbirth, or lung diseases. He doesn't want me to be in pain and die if Rheumatoid Arthritis attacks my organs. A close friend from church died of Rheumatoid Lung Disease in Feb. she was one of the kindest people I have ever met. God didn't want her to die, but even the meds did not help. I have RLD, not progressing currently. But it may kill me in the end.
That's just my story. Millions of others have similar stories, of modern medicine helping them. The vaccines are part of that big picture. Not some kind of fatalistic nonsense about giving up and dying. I'm not worried about a vax hurting me, when COVID would kill me with my damaged lungs.
Who do you think gave those brilliant minds to people to do medical research? Not the devil, for sure! God has called many people, including Christians to be doctors, nurses, chemists, and researchers. The only groups I know that claim people should just wait for God to heal them, are Christian Scientists, a cult neither Christian nor scientific. And Word Faith people, who claim healing and then die, failing to listen to their doctors. A close friend of mine did that, when she got breast cancer. She did have a mastectomy, but decided chemo & radiation weren't for her, and claimed healing. She died a year later, insane because the cancer metastasized in her brain.
Are you in a cult? I choose life, meaning medical treatment!
"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life," Deut. 30:19-20a
God led me to healing, to medicines, and to eat well (closer to the way God made the food) and exercise. Vaccines are part of it! Die if you want, I'm pleased to continue to live and follow God!
PS Wearing my Carbon filter mask for 2 years in public, resulted in no COVID, but also no colds turning into pneumonia. The bottoms of my lungs are dry for the first time in decades, and functioning. And my allergies are done! I thank God for this help, and wearing a mask as the gov't ordered!