How do you know that this SO called Quote Unquote "Evidence" Is true or Is this just passing on misinformation?
Well, we can say the same way you do not know if it is false.
we are different,
we who are in Christ - are
we not???
Has not our Father, Who is in Heaven, given us the Cutting Edge - the Sword of the Spirit.
What is this Spirit and Who does HE think HE IS???
Where did HE come from???
What Purpose does HE Hold???
Since when does a DOVE yield a Sword???
How does a DOVE hold back a Dragon???
Anomaly of anomalies where does it End
Maybe from the Beginning my dear Friend
When chaos and darkness was upon the deep
The Spirit Hovered - the challenge not so steep
'Not by man's power nor by his might'
My Spirit will not fail - HE will take Flight
Down to Ground Zero's
Where we find many Nero's
Upon this One will I Look
My Son who is found written in the Book
My DOVE shall Rest upon Him who is BEST
So True and so too HE comes to me and you
Unless you shoo HIM away - for HE is a DOVE
The One whom we are to LOVE