He's saying that the same Holy Spirit that told one person NOT to get this vaccine is also telling him it's okay that he rushed out and did so.
The problem with that though is that it makes the Holy Spirit CONFLICT AGAINST HIMSELF.......
and we know that's not Holy Spirits nature.
It is scary to think of which spirit so many who claim to follow Christ are actually listening to (it's Not the Holy Spirit)
1. Vaccine has nothing to do with the War between God and Satan
2. Vaccine is only designed to battle the Virus/Bio-Weapon unleashed from its Lab Home in China
3. Vaccine is not designed to kill people [even though weaker Genetic People have died from being Vaccinated]
So the Holy Spirit doesn't care if we get Vaccinated or Not!
But if we do, the Holy Spirit has Comforted us because we had the same questions those Not Vaxxed are still promoting.
So, there was no disrespect to Her for choosing not to Vax because She believes that's the direction the Holy Spirit is leading Her. It's merely looking at how the Holy Spirit works Individually, not as a Whole in ALL decisions we make.
Making the choice to Get Vaxxed is no different than choosing to get a Flu shot.
It's not a Salvation making Decision here.
It's I am getting Vaxxed or I am not.
WE ARE ONLY AT THE DOORWAY to Beginning of Revelation 16.
the Man of Perdition/SIN/Antichrist has not been revealed yet for the False Prophet to [OFFER] take the MARK and Worship the Beast!
Seriously, this is only a Vaccination.
If we want to argue it's not been long enough to prove itself, WE ARE ON THE SAME SIDE.
but getting it or Not is not going LOSE my SOUL!
We are Possibly another 3 years before Biden sells us to Satan!