Well, non of the antivac supporter can give an alternative to the vac.
All are blameing the vac as poison or ineffectiv, or people killing. Mask is for nothing, distance is for nothing.
Is the meaning there, do nothing, take vitamims and good food, stronge your immunsystem. Thats enough?
Today i read a medical report, that responsible for the loungcollaps is not the mass of the virus, but the overreaction from the immunsystem causes inflammations which destroys the lounge cells.
<<<But really no one is giving an alternative to protect the people.
This I cant understand>>>
That is definitely your problem Aiden. Rest assured there are those of us who CAN and DO understand. Just like a good detective would.
I hate to tell you this but the likely cause of your lack of understanding is not a lack of facts or knowledge. Far more likely the root cause is deep-seated subliminal subconscious denial of the horrific truth. Whether is this subconscious denial is of your own making or externally instilled by the constant fusillade of gaslighting and propaganda that people must endure I cannot say.
Take for example the facts regarding the election fraud. Truly it is vast and overwhelming. Many of us including myself recognize that there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that this election was stolen. Based on the sheer volume of data the probability is so absurdly high so as to be certain. Yet you cannot accept this fact.......because
you are literally programmed NOT to believe ANYTHING until you are TOLD to believe it by so-called authorities.
I have to tell you that I RARELY IF EVER wait for my cue or take commands from
REGIME authorities. Why so? Because of their lust for power they are almost always compromised (inherent conflict of interest). Furthermore I can discern when they are lying practically instantaneously. Usually it's hilariously obvious. Despite their endless gaslighting and propaganda efforts I'm actually getting better at it not worse at it. In other words the stressors are actually sharpening my talents and making me stronger not weaker.
Anyoo.....that's is my rant for the day make of it what you will. And stay tuned to these threads there is some excellent information that God willing will help lift the fog you are in.