Not at all. The vast number of fraudulent videos from the same liars. Claiming overfull hospitals (across the world), with independent sources showing the same hospitals empty the next day or week. Showing footage displaying manequinns as hospital patients, presenting overseas (staged) hospitals full of actors as if they were local hospitals full of patients, showing treasonous celebrities and politicians receiving faked vaccinations. A liar need only lie once before one is justified in never believing him again. There have been ample opportunities to justifiably reject the fake lamestream narrative.
Those who get vaccinated after trusting the serial liars are complicit in their own demise.
Those who get vaccinated after trusting the serial liars are complicit in their own demise.
look at all the trouble Trump went to in supplying any and every thing that Gov Cuomo wanted...and the tent...and the ship...and they were not even used
how soon we forget
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