Blik, let me ask you: Can you think of anything Paul wrote that some people might consider "new," with which you'd disagree? In other words, why do you ask this question? Do you think some people see Paul as "greater than Christ?"
This is GREAT! I think that the old testament is an outline, a shadow, of everything in the new testament. I think if we think of it as cancelling what God established at creation, we do not see correctly. As we study these shadows, I think it shows us the truth of the reality of the fulfillment of all the old testament tells us.
When we say that the old testament taught killing animals and Christ brought something new, I think we are not seeing the grace and forgiveness that was told of in the old testament, and it is a distortion. I think when we say there is no relation between the earthly temple that Hebrews were told to build--when we say it was destroyed and not fulfilled by God pointing out that we are the temple that we miss a lot of understanding how we are the temple. I think when we say Paul cancelled the law, we are missing what God is telling us about the spirit of the law.
I would so like this discussed without the 'Blik" being added. These are ideas and interpretations of scripture, not an indication of a person.