You just used a false equivalency logical fallacy. "Hitler offered people representation who didn't have any, therefore anyone who offers representation to people is like Hitler"
Umm, no, I did not say "anyone who offers representation to people is like Hitler." I never even implied it. All I said was that one reason Hitler gained power is because people supported him to get rid of his opposition (the communists). I have no idea where you got this whole "representation" idea. I don't believe that, and never would have even suggested it. It's a preposterous idea.
Furthermore, I was specifically NOT drawing a parallel, because in the parallel, Hitler would be parallel to Biden, not Trump. While I'm no fan of Biden, I would not compare him to Hitler.
Now, if YOU are trying to make that comparison, I would say you have to work a little harder.
The problem is that there is no equivalence between the subject of Hitler and politicians offering their base representation. That's flawed reasoning. Apples and oranges.
I would agree that that is flawed reasoning. I would say it isn't even "apples and oranges" but more like "apples and orangutans." I have no idea where you even came up with it. Dude, you must be on some hard-core drugs to come up with an idea like that. I didn't say anything even remotely like that.
If you insist on putting words in my mouth that I never said, you're going to end up looking even more and more foolish every time.